
BUST – 15$/800PHP
FULL-BODY- 25$/1250PHP

Contact Info
Twitter : @yomshl ( Yomaa )Discord : kruiser | COMMS OPEN #0296Email : [email protected]
i. Payment
- Payment must only be upfront or fully paid after the sketch. Because of previous scam attempts, this is a mandatory rule and cannot be negotiated.
- If there is no payment within 24 hours after I have
sent the sketch, the order is cancelled.
- I will give an update every time i make a significant change or progress, likewise, the client may ask for an update
- No rushing. Rush fee isn't available, the maximum turn around time for most artwork is one week.
-I have every right to refuse or delay a commission. Please understand that I have my own life and my academics to focus on. This may result in needing more time to complete the commission.
-Strictly, Paypal only.ii. Image copyright you may not claim my artwork as your own
-If you are to repost the commission, you must also
provide credits. Such as my twitter or instagram handle
-you may not modify the commissioned piece (like
tracing, editing, adding and/or removing certain
-you may not use the commissioned piece in any
blockchain-related technology like NFTs.
-You have every right to deny me the privilege of
posting your commission online (Twitter or Instagram)iii. Workflow please do not rush, it may take me 4-7 days to finish
given that I am usually busy with school and my own
personal life.
-I have every right to cancel the order if I have not
received payment for the sketch yet.
-If the finished piece is in low quality because of our
means of communication, it will be sent via email.
No refunds
- Can/Will do:
Matching pfp's, fanart, oc's, mild NSFW, blood, weapons- Can't/Won't do:
Hard NSFW, gore, mecha, furries, vehicles, problematic ideas (prejudice, propaganda, etc.), wings, complex backgrounds, anything religion-related
+character :additional 75% chargedfor every accessory beyond 2 there
is an additional 5% charged.For every weapon is an
additional 10%ii. BUSTUP COMMISSION Q's :
Q: Are bust and headshot commissions
the same?
A: Yes, therefore their prices are the same
Q:Will matching pfp's double the cost?
A:No, only by 50%. Matching pfp's are also
exclusive to bust/headshots.
Q: What counts as accessories?
A: Glasses, crowns, jewelries, etc. Basically
anything that can be attached and removed from a
person (not counting clothes and body parts)iii. HALF-BODY COMMISSION Q's:
Q: What is considered to be half-body?
A: From head to waist is considered to be halfbody
Q: Can I ask for it to be drawn all the way down
to the crotch?
A: No, you may ask for it to be drawn down unto
the hip line.iv. FULL-BODY COMMISSION Q's:
Q: Can my character be drawn in a dynamic pose?
A: Of course, but please provide a reference of
the pose instead of describing it.
Q: Are full bodies from head to toes?
A: Yes, but head to crotch (below the hip line) is
considered to be full-body.